12 Steps to Finding the Perfect Information Technology Outsourcing Partner

12 Steps to Finding the Perfect Information Technology Outsourcing Partner

Information Technology Outsourcing partners can bring many benefits, and it’s important to find a good outsourcing vendor first. There are many things to consider when looking for an IT provider. If a company outsources its IT services, they’re no longer paying for staff members who are on-site at all times and dealing with hardware issues or other problems in its own office space. Companies that outsource their IT services will also not have to worry about paying for training classes for new hires who need specialized skill sets like programming languages or database management systems (DBMS). 

You also get better service at lower prices compared to hiring someone directly within your organization (or hiring freelance contractors). With outsourcing partners there is no risk involved when it comes time to make changes because they’re not going through any overhead costs associated with hiring employees themselves – which means fewer headaches down the road! 

From technical expertise, certifications and credentials, case studies and reviews from other customers to security protocols and privacy policies. Here are 12 steps that will help you find the perfect match:

1. Understand your IT systems, applications and infrastructure.

The first step to finding the perfect IT outsourcing partner is to understand your current state. You need to know what your business processes are and how they relate to technology. You should also be familiar with all aspects of your IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, applications and network settings. 

Once you’ve done this research, it’s time for some analysis! It’s important that you don’t start at zero when it comes down to what kind of help you need from an outsourcing partner; instead start by looking at what problems exist within each area so that you can work together on solutions based on your strengths rather than weaknesses.

2. Consider your IT service needs.

What type of project are you looking for? A one-time project, or ongoing support? How often do you need IT support, and what’s the budget for this project? How long will it take to complete the job, and how many people will be involved in the process (if applicable)?

3. Choose an IT provider that meets your needs.

It is important to choose the best IT provider for your business and its needs. The first step in finding the perfect information technology outsourcing partner is to determine what type of company you would like to work with, as well as what kind of experience it should have in order to best serve your company’s needs. 

4. Ask representatives from the outsourcing partner about their certifications and credentials.

Patience and persistence are key when looking for a technology outsourcing partner. The process can be frustrating, but it’s well worth it in the long run. 

When you’re searching for the best IT company for your business, ask representatives from the outsourcing partner about their certifications and credentials. This will help you determine if they have any experience working with specific types of businesses like yours or if they have been awarded certifications by organizations such as ISO 9000 (International Standardization Organization), Microsoft Azure Certified Solutions Associate (MCA) or VMware vSphere Administrator (VWA). 

You’ll also want to make sure that any certifications or credentials offered by an outsourcing vendor are relevant to what type of solutions they provide—for example: should this company be able to manage my entire network? Or just some part of it? 

5. Evaluate the IT outsourcing firm’s case studies.

Now that you know what to look for in terms of an IT outsourcing firm, it’s time to evaluate their case studies. 

Case studies are an excellent way to understand the past performance of IT outsourcing firms. Typically, they contain information about the companies they’ve worked with and how they were able to help them improve their bottom line or increase revenue. You should look for cases that are relevant to your business model and industry; otherwise, there’s no point in using it as a guidepost for your own search process. 

The most important thing about evaluating these case studies is making sure that they’re recent—ideally within the last three years (but not before). If a company has been around for longer than this amount of time, chances are good that its performance will have plateaued; this kind of stagnation can cause issues later down the line when trying out new technologies without having enough experience under its belt first!

6. Research potential partners in your target geographies.

When you are determining whether an IT partner is right for you, it is important to research potential partners in your target geographies. 

Research potential partners by looking at their websites and contacting them directly. Make sure that they have experience working with the type of company you operate, as well as other industries similar to yours. Also make sure that they’re located in the same region as your business so that if there are any problems with connectivity or equipment availability, it won’t affect everything else going on within your organization. 

Check out how many years of experience each company has before making any decisions about which ones might be best suited for what’s needed from an outsourcing relationship (and don’t forget about taxes!). 

7. Evaluate their security, privacy and compliance protocols closely.

You should also look for security certifications, privacy policies and compliance with industry standards. 

Look for a company that has been awarded or is in the process of being awarded a security certification such as ISO 27001, PCI DSS or Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). In addition to this, you should also check if they have undergone evaluations by independent auditors to ascertain their compliance with all relevant laws and regulations governing IT outsourcing services. 

Is your business protected by an attorney-client privilege? If so, it’s important that the vendor you choose has an appropriate level of trust in its customers’ confidential information so that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands during transmission through email attachments or cloud storage platforms like Dropbox or Box Inc., which may contain sensitive trade secrets or financial data about competitors’ products being developed internally at competing firms without their knowledge.

8. Inquire about a trial period or test project.

When choosing an IT outsourcing partner, don’t rush things. Take time to test the outsourcing partner before you sign on. Check if you can have a trial period or project before committing to something long term.  

Set your goals and expectations for your potential outsourcing partner. Thoroughly gauge if they really are the perfect fit for you. The best way to do this is by asking the right questions and taking their responses seriously. Getting this done in the beginning of your partnership could save you from a lot of trouble in the long run!

9. Define roles and responsibilities for everyone involved in the partnership.

When it comes to outsourcing, the roles of IT outsourcers, clients and third-party vendors are critical. Here are some questions you should ask yourself when defining these roles: 

  • Who is responsible for what? 
  • What do they do? 
  • How are they compensated?


10. Look for a company that has a high company rating and positive reviews.

Search for reviews from other companies that have worked with the outsourcing partner you are considering. If they are happy, then you can feel more comfortable about choosing this partner. 

Use Google’s search function to find recent articles about your potential outsourcer—the more recent it is (within the last few years), the better.

11. Look for a company that uses new technology to communicate with clients.

When you’re looking for an IT outsourcing partner, the first step is to look at the company’s website. Make sure that it has an easy-to-use interface and allows you to access all their services from one location. You should also look for companies that provide 24/7 customer service, as this shows how much they value their customers’ needs. 

The next thing you’ll want to do is check out how easy it is for customers to communicate with representatives via email or chat (if applicable). If there are any challenges with this process, consider asking about them before signing up with another service provider who may not have thought things through properly in response time or other issues like those mentioned above. 

12. Pay attention to how you feel after speaking with representatives from your potential IT outsourcing company.

When you are speaking with representatives from your potential IT outsourcing company, pay attention to how you feel. Do they make you feel at ease? Do they respect your opinion? Are they honest and straightforward in their approach? 

If a representative is not able to answer your questions, or if he or she appears evasive or defensive when asked about his/her company’s abilities, it could be an indication that the relationship isn’t right for either party. If this happens repeatedly throughout the process of finding an IT partner for your business, then perhaps it’s best not to proceed with the process at all! 

There are many things to consider when looking for a partner to outsource IT work to, so consider every angle carefully before making any decisions 

Finding the perfect information technology outsourcing partner is important for many reasons. Not only will they be able to help you reduce costs and increase productivity, but they’ll also be able to offer their expertise in areas such as: 

  • Helping you find the right people to hire 
  • Ensuring that all projects are completed on time and within budget 
  • Providing support when things go wrong


When looking for a partner to outsource IT work to, it is important to consider every angle carefully. The most important thing is that you find a good fit for your team and organization. 

Once you have chosen an outsourcing vendor that meets all these criteria, start planning out the process of bringing them on board with your company. This will ensure that everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities before getting started on any projects! 

What criteria do you employ to choose the perfect Information Technology Outsourcing Partner? If you need help in finding the right outsourcing partner, book a FREE APPOINTMENT with Outsource Asia experts today. 

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